Turtles are vital for ecosystems, but they face threats such as habitat loss, illegal collection, and global warming. Mexico has the opportunity to help, as it is home to many species of turtles. Our program studies and monitors turtles to detect threats, understand conservation needs, and promote their survival in the wild

If you are an individual, organization, or company with an interest in turtles, their study, and preservation, you are in the right place. In this section, we provide an overview of our exciting work with these creatures. Your support and collaboration could be the key to ensuring a safer future for both turtles and our planet.

What does our monitoring and conservation program entail?

Research and monitoring.

In our conservation and monitoring program, we carry out continuous and long-term tracking of various terrestrial and freshwater turtle species. We identify threats to their populations to understand their conservation needs and ensure their well-being in their natural habitat. Through data collection, we investigate aspects such as population genetics, mating systems, and migratory patterns. This knowledge is essential to our mission of preserving these species.


Conservation is at the heart of our program. We work tirelessly to safeguard turtles and their habitats. We confront challenges such as habitat loss and illegal collection. We collaborate closely with local communities, governments, and allied organizations to implement effective conservation strategies. From ecosystem restoration to the promotion of sustainable practices, we are dedicated to ensuring a secure future for these incredible creatures.

Science Communication

Our outreach mission plays a pivotal role in raising awareness about the significance of turtles. Through educational programs, special events, and informative content, we fervently share our knowledge with the public. We inspire others to join our cause, thus promoting the protection and respect for these species. We acknowledge that outreach is a potent tool for driving conservation and are devoted to disseminating this message of preserving these incredible creatures.


Where do we conduct the monitoring?

Species we monitor.

Terrapene nelsoni

spotted box turtle

Insufficient data

Terrapene yucatana

Yucatán box turtle 


Gopherus evgoodei

Goode’s Thornscrub Tortoise


Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima

painted wood turtle

not evaluated

Rhinoclemmys areolata

furrowed wood turtle


Kinosternon vogti

Vallarta mud turtle

critically endangered

Kinosternon alamosae

Alamos mud turtle

Insufficient data

Kinosternon creaseri

Creaser’s mud turtle

least concern

Kinosternon integrum

Mexican mud turtle 

least concern

Trachemys nebulosa

Baja California slider

not evaluated

Trachemys yaquia

Yaqui slider

not evaluated

Preguntas frecuentes

Because turtles are one of the most threatened animal groups in Mexico and the world. In addition, both freshwater and terrestrial turtles are animals that have been very poorly studied in our country. Thus, we still don’t know the most basic aspects of their life patterns, and therefore, we are unaware of where they live and what they need to survive.

Turtles are important members of the ecosystems they inhabit because they recycle nutrients, serve as food for other animals, disperse seeds, and their presence promotes the existence of other animals.

We carry out research and monitoring projects in different states of the country, primarily in Sonora, Yucatan, and Jalisco, where we have long-term studies.

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